Web Analytics

At IIH Nordic, our award-winning analytics team has been helping companies at home and abroad secure their data foundation through web analytics. So we know what it takes to create the data infrastructure that can make a real difference to your business.

Web analytics ensures quality decisions

Today, most companies would never dream of starting out without having implemented web analytics to measure the performance and development of their marketing activities. You could say that web analytics has become second nature. But when data becomes mainstream, the risk increases that it is not used properly or that you don’t get the maximum value from it.

No two companies are the same and to grow your business, you need to understand your audience and what activities create value. It sounds simple, but it’s an underrated discipline among many. Without knowledge of your target group and value-driving activities, there is a risk that you will not be aware of the factors that actually impact the business, which can lead to disappointing results.

At IIH Nordic, we know that data is the key to a profitable business and that a lack of data or skills to understand data can be costly. Here our specialists can help you with everything from implementation to analysis, evaluation, and education of staff.


These are the challenges our clients often face with web analytics

The challenges of web analytics are wide-ranging, but these are the issues our clients often have before our collaboration:

  • They don’t know which tools to choose or they have too many different ones
  • They do not know how to ensure proper implementation
  • They struggle to analyze and evaluate the data
  • They want to free up time by automating reporting
  • They do not have the knowledge to ensure Cookie and GDPR compliance

Do you recognize these issues from your business? Then we can help you with your web analytics. Among our clients, you will find Elkjøp, Nemlig.com, Merck and Bestseller.


At IIH Nordic, we have been helping Danish and international companies with their web analytics for many years, including GA360 - the leading enterprise platform for true data-driven marketing.

Data Layer Monitor

In today’s data-driven world, your ability to quickly harness, analyze, and act on your data can set you apart from the competition. Since 2022, IIH Nordic has revolutionized the monitoring of digital analytics data with our proprietary Data Layer Monitor, ensuring that businesses like yours are not just surviving but thriving by making smarter, data-informed decisions faster.

Increase efficiency and competitiveness with the use of web analytics

Behind every digital success is a solid foundation of data, and in front of that is an organization that can turn numbers into analytics and make intelligent decisions based on that.

Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of disciplines, and web analytics aims to bring together the results of resources invested in different areas so you can optimize your business. It’s about understanding how users move around on your website, interact with your services, and when and how your different marketing channels can be used effectively.

To help with your web analytics in the best possible way, we need to have in-depth knowledge of your business and KPIs. Together we can use this knowledge to apply Google Analytics and GTM optimally and thereby grow your digital business.

5 reasons to work with us

  1. We take your professional development seriously.
  2. We use web analytics throughout your business model
  3. We have access to the latest tools and technologies.
  4. We help you get the most out of your data
  5. We have worked with some of the largest clients in the Nordic region.


Reach out if you’re curious about how we can help you.
You will hear from us within 24 hours.