Data Layer Monitor

Since 2022, we have been helping companies with reliable tracking, data structuring and information sharing using our proprietary Data Layer Monitor. At IIH Nordic, we can help you ensure better website tracking with a focus on the Data Layer.

Get a grip on your data tracking through Data Layer Monitor

At IIH Nordic, we have developed a solution to monitor the data layer to ensure error identification, change alert and actionable insights.
The solution works by automatically detecting deviations from the data contract for all the monitored events on all sides. Errors are delivered in real time with detailed insights via email or Slack. This ensures higher data quality in Google Analytics, as it shortens the time from error to action.
The actionable insights are delivered both as notifications and dashboards, providing the necessary data for the developer to start fixing bugs. No input from downstream stakeholders is required.

Data Layer Monitor ensures fast troubleshooting and action-based solutions

Data is one of the most important sources of information today, but more and more companies are still wasting time and money on slow troubleshooting processes.

At IIH Nordic, we have invented a tool to handle these challenges, so you can easily and quickly identify errors in your dataset and thus get the error corrected as soon as possible.

With this tool, we also make it possible to give you a real-time overview with action-oriented insights on how to best solve your challenges.

If this sounds like something for you, contact our specialists who are ready to help you today to get the most out of your data.

These are the challenges our customers often face with Data Layer Monitor

Data Layer Monitor is a crucial tool in data troubleshooting, as it can help companies with both time optimisation and resource wastage. Yet we often see it being downplayed, as potential customers have yet to discover how helpful this tool can be. They therefore often struggle with the following issues:

  • They have difficulty keeping up with the rapid propagation of errors due to a long QA flow.
  • They have problems with long response times due to different responsibilities across departments.
  • They lack appropriate tools for effective troubleshooting on a large scale.

Do you recognize these issues from your business? Then we can help give you the best conditions for troubleshooting your data.

We are experts

At IIH Nordic, we have extensive experience with data and have for many years developed our own tools to improve tracking, insights and data collection across channels.
We help you identify errors on your website and provide actionable insights using our proprietary solution, Data Layer Monitor.

We are experts

At IIH Nordic, we have extensive experience with data and have for many years developed our own tools to improve tracking, insights and data collection across channels.
We help you identify errors on your website and provide actionable insights using our proprietary solution, Data Layer Monitor.


Reach out if you’re curious about how we can help you.
You will hear from us within 24 hours.